// To make use of this server you have to patch the client (only #317 will work!) // so that it disables the RSA encryption. You can either do so by commenting out // the modPow instruction or by setting the keypair to 1 (the smaller of the two keys) // and something high enough (the larger one): 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 // I will not provide the client, please do NOT ask me! // I know this code is still messed up, but maybe some people want to play with it as I don't know // when they're going to update. If that happens we no longer can make use of sniffed packet data // unless someone wants to update it for a new client. But be aware the protocol will change // significantly after such an event. // This file (server.java) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, 1991 as published by // the Free Software Foundation. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more // details. // A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found at: // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html // Note that the protocol is copyright by jagex. public class server { // some misc functions public static void print_debug(String str) { System.out.print(str); // comment this line out if you want to get rid of debug messages } public static void println_debug(String str) { System.out.println(str); } public static void print(String str) { System.out.print(str); } public static void println(String str) { System.out.println(str); } public static String Hex(byte data[], int offset, int len) { String temp = ""; for(int cntr = 0; cntr < len; cntr++) { int num = data[offset+cntr] & 0xFF; String myStr; if(num < 16) myStr = "0"; else myStr = ""; temp += myStr + Integer.toHexString(num) + " "; } return temp.toUpperCase().trim(); } public static int random(int range) { return (int)(java.lang.Math.random() * (range+1)); } public static boolean shutdownServer = false; public static void main(java.lang.String args[]) { clientHandler = new ClientHandler(null); (new Thread(clientHandler)).start(); // launch server listener while(!shutdownServer) { // could do game updating stuff in here... // maybe do all the major stuff here in a big loop and just do the packet // sending/receiving in the client subthreads. The actual packet forming code // will reside within here and all created packets are then relayed by the subthreads. // This way we avoid all the sync'in issues // The rough outline could look like: // doPlayers() // updates all player related stuff // doNpcs() // all npc related stuff // doObjects() // doWhatever() try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch(java.lang.Exception _ex) { } } // shut down the server clientHandler.kill(); clientHandler = null; } private static ClientHandler clientHandler = null; // handles all the clients private static java.net.ServerSocket clientListener = null; private static boolean shutdownClientHandler; // signals ClientHandler to shut down private static int serverlistenerPort = 43594; public static class ClientHandler implements Runnable { private java.net.Socket mySock; private java.io.InputStream in; private java.io.OutputStream out; public String myName = null; // name of the connecting client public stream inStream = null, outStream = null; public Cryption inStreamDecryption = null, outStreamDecryption = null; public boolean clientConnected = false; public ClientHandler(java.net.Socket s) { mySock = s; myName = ""; if(s != null) { try { in = s.getInputStream(); out = s.getOutputStream(); } catch(java.io.IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } else { in = null; out = null; } } public void flushOutStream() throws java.io.IOException { out.write(outStream.buffer, 0, outStream.currentOffset); outStream.currentOffset = 0; // reset } // forces to read forceRead bytes from the client - block until we have received those public void fillInStream(int forceRead) throws java.io.IOException { inStream.currentOffset = 0; in.read(inStream.buffer, 0, forceRead); } public void run() { if(clientListener == null) { // setup the listener try { shutdownClientHandler = false; clientListener = new java.net.ServerSocket(serverlistenerPort, 1, null); System.out.println("Starting BlakeScape Server on " + clientListener.getInetAddress().getHostAddress() + ":" + clientListener.getLocalPort()); while(true) { java.net.Socket s = clientListener.accept(); s.setTcpNoDelay(true); String connectingHost = s.getInetAddress().getHostName(); if(/*connectingHost.startsWith("localhost") || connectingHost.equals("")*/true) { System.out.println("ClientHandler: Accepted from "+connectingHost+":"+s.getPort()); (new Thread(new ClientHandler(s))).start(); } else { System.out.println("ClientHandler: Rejected "+connectingHost+":"+s.getPort()); s.close(); } } } catch(java.io.IOException ioe) { if(!shutdownClientHandler) System.out.println("Error: Unable to startup listener on "+serverlistenerPort+" - port already in use?"); else System.out.println("ClientHandler was shut down."); } return; // we're done in here } if(mySock == null) return; // no socket there - closed // we accepted a new connection outStream = new stream(new byte[100000]); outStream.currentOffset = 0; inStream = new stream(new byte[10000]); inStream.currentOffset = 0; // handle the login stuff long serverSessionKey = 0, clientSessionKey = 0; // randomize server part of the session key serverSessionKey = ((long)(java.lang.Math.random() * 99999999D) << 32) + (long)(java.lang.Math.random() * 99999999D); try { fillInStream(2); if(inStream.readUnsignedByte() != 14) { shutdownError("Expected login Id 14 from client."); return; } // this is part of the usename. Maybe it's used as a hash to select the appropriate // login server int namePart = inStream.readUnsignedByte(); for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) out.write(0); // is being ignored by the client // login response - 0 means exchange session key to establish encryption // Note that we could use 2 right away to skip the cryption part, but i think this // won't work in one case when the cryptor class is not set and will throw a NullPointerException out.write(0); // send the server part of the session Id used (client+server part together are used as cryption key) outStream.writeQWord(serverSessionKey); flushOutStream(); fillInStream(2); int loginType = inStream.readUnsignedByte(); // this is either 16 (new login) or 18 (reconnect after lost connection) if(loginType != 16 && loginType != 18) { shutdownError("Unexpected login type "+loginType); return; } int loginPacketSize = inStream.readUnsignedByte(); int loginEncryptPacketSize = loginPacketSize-(36+1+1+2); // the size of the RSA encrypted part (containing password) println_debug("LoginPacket size: "+loginPacketSize+", RSA packet size: "+loginEncryptPacketSize); if(loginEncryptPacketSize <= 0) { shutdownError("Zero RSA packet size!"); return; } fillInStream(loginPacketSize); if(inStream.readUnsignedByte() != 255 || inStream.readUnsignedWord() != 317) { shutdownError("Wrong login packet magic ID (expected 255, 317)"); return; } int lowMemoryVersion = inStream.readUnsignedByte(); println_debug("Client type: "+((lowMemoryVersion==1) ? "low" : "high")+" memory version"); for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { println_debug("dataFileVersion["+i+"]: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(inStream.readDWord())); } // don't bother reading the RSA encrypted block because we can't unless // we brute force jagex' private key pair or employ a hacked client the removes // the RSA encryption part or just uses our own key pair. // Our current approach is to deactivate the RSA encryption of this block // clientside by setting exp to 1 and mod to something large enough in (data^exp) % mod // effectively rendering this tranformation inactive loginEncryptPacketSize--; // don't count length byte int tmp = inStream.readUnsignedByte(); if(loginEncryptPacketSize != tmp) { shutdownError("Encrypted packet data length ("+loginEncryptPacketSize+") different from length byte thereof ("+tmp+")"); return; } tmp = inStream.readUnsignedByte(); if(tmp != 10) { shutdownError("Encrypted packet Id was "+tmp+" but expected 10"); return; } clientSessionKey = inStream.readQWord(); serverSessionKey = inStream.readQWord(); println("UserId: "+inStream.readDWord()); myName = inStream.readString(); String password = inStream.readString(); println("Indent: "+myName+":"+password); int sessionKey[] = new int[4]; sessionKey[0] = (int)(clientSessionKey >> 32); sessionKey[1] = (int)clientSessionKey; sessionKey[2] = (int)(serverSessionKey >> 32); sessionKey[3] = (int)serverSessionKey; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) println_debug("inStreamSessionKey["+i+"]: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(sessionKey[i])); inStreamDecryption = new Cryption(sessionKey); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) sessionKey[i] += 50; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) println_debug("outStreamSessionKey["+i+"]: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(sessionKey[i])); outStreamDecryption = new Cryption(sessionKey); outStream.packetEncryption = outStreamDecryption; out.write(2); // login response (1: wait 2seconds, 2=login successfull, 4=ban :-) out.write(0); // mod level: 0=normal player, 1=player mod, 2=real mod out.write(0); // no log } catch(java.lang.Exception __ex) { System.out.println("BlakeScape Server: Exception!"); __ex.printStackTrace(); shutdown(); return; } // End of login procedure // those packets were sniffed from a real session and split into parts int mapRegionX = 0x182, mapRegionY = 0x195; // change those to get a different starting point //int mapRegionX = 270, mapRegionY = 350; // change those to get a different starting point // initiate loading of new map area outStream.createFrame(73); outStream.writeWordA(mapRegionX); outStream.writeWord(mapRegionY); // players initialization outStream.createFrame(81); outStream.writeWord(0); // placeholder for size of this packet. int ofs = outStream.currentOffset; outStream.initBitAccess(); // update this player outStream.writeBits(1, 1); // set to true if updating thisPlayer outStream.writeBits(2, 3); // updateType - 3=jump to pos // the following applies to type 3 only outStream.writeBits(2, 0); // height level (0-3) outStream.writeBits(1, 1); // set to true, if discarding walking queue (after teleport e.g.) outStream.writeBits(1, 1); // set to true, if this player is not in local list yet??? outStream.writeBits(7, 0x20); // y-position outStream.writeBits(7, 0x20); // x-position // update other players...?! outStream.writeBits(8, 0); // number of players to add // add new players??? outStream.writeBits(11, 2047); // magic EOF outStream.finishBitAccess(); outStream.writeByte(0); // ???? needed that to stop client from crashing outStream.writeFrameSizeWord(outStream.currentOffset - ofs); CreateNoobyItems(); // the major part was done, now we're just looping reading incoming packets // and sending out some testing shit... packetType = -1; packetSize = 0; clientConnected = true; int walkingSteps = 0; int currentCoord = 0x20; while(clientConnected) { while(interpreteIncommingPackets()); if(!clientConnected) break; // here we place the code that handles the outgoing stuff // some n00by walking packet outStream.createFrame(81); outStream.writeWord(0); // placeholder for size of this packet. ofs = outStream.currentOffset; // update thisPlayer outStream.initBitAccess(); outStream.writeBits(1, 1); // set to true if updating thisPlayer // walk code /* outStream.writeBits(2, 1); // updateType - 1=walk in direction outStream.writeBits(3, 1); // direction outStream.writeBits(1, 0); // set to true, if this player is not in local list yet??? */ // run code outStream.writeBits(2, 2); // updateType - 2=run in direction outStream.writeBits(3, 1); // direction step 1 outStream.writeBits(3, 1); // direction step 2 outStream.writeBits(1, 0); // set to true, if this player is not in local list yet??? outStream.writeBits(8, 0); // no other players... outStream.finishBitAccess(); outStream.writeFrameSizeWord(outStream.currentOffset - ofs); // write size currentCoord+=2; // +=1 for walking if(currentCoord > 90) { if(mapRegionY > 500) { //outStream.createFrame(109); // log out //println("Forcing log out of client!"); println("Next row..."); mapRegionX += 8; mapRegionY = 350; outStream.createFrame(73); outStream.writeWordA(mapRegionX); outStream.writeWord(mapRegionY); try { flushOutStream(); Thread.sleep(2000); // wait some time until client loaded new area } catch(Exception x) {} // teleport packet outStream.createFrame(81); outStream.writeWord(0); // placeholder for size of this packet. ofs = outStream.currentOffset; // update thisPlayer outStream.initBitAccess(); outStream.writeBits(1, 1); // set to true if updating thisPlayer outStream.writeBits(2, 3); // updateType - 3=jump to pos // the following applies to type 3 only outStream.writeBits(2, 0); // height level (0-3) outStream.writeBits(1, 1); // set to true, if discarding walking queue (after teleport e.g.) outStream.writeBits(1, 0); // set to true, if this player is not in local list yet??? outStream.writeBits(7, 0x20); // y-position outStream.writeBits(7, 0x20); // x-position // update other players...?! outStream.writeBits(8, 0); // number of players that follow outStream.finishBitAccess(); outStream.writeFrameSizeWord(outStream.currentOffset - ofs); currentCoord = 0x20; } else { outStream.createFrame(73); outStream.writeWordA(mapRegionX); mapRegionY += 8; currentCoord -= 8*8; // granularity of a map region is 8 outStream.writeWord(mapRegionY); println("Entering map region "+mapRegionX+","+mapRegionY); CreateNoobyItems(); try { flushOutStream(); Thread.sleep(2000); // wait some time until client loaded new area } catch(Exception x) {} } } if(!clientConnected) break; timeOutCounter++; if(timeOutCounter++ > 200) { println("Client lost connection: timeout"); break; } // send all cummulated packets to the client try { flushOutStream(); Thread.sleep(500); // TODO: think about a way to sync all this stuff and about timing } catch(java.lang.Exception __ex) { System.out.println("BlakeScape Server: Exception!"); __ex.printStackTrace(); clientConnected = false; } } // we're done shutdown(); } public void shutdownError(String errorMessage) { println("Fatal: "+errorMessage); shutdown(); } public void shutdown() { try { System.out.println("ClientHandler: Client "+myName+" disconnected."); if(in != null) in.close(); if(out != null) out.close(); mySock.close(); mySock = null; in = null; out = null; } catch(java.io.IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } public void kill() { try { shutdownClientHandler = true; if(clientListener != null) clientListener.close(); clientListener = null; } catch(java.lang.Exception __ex) { __ex.printStackTrace(); } } // just testing... public void CreateNoobyItems() { // this performs very slow for huge amount of items /* for(int x = 1; x < 100; x++) { for(int y = 1; y < 100; y++) { outStream.createFrame(85); outStream.writeByteC(y); // baseY outStream.writeByteC(x); // baseX outStream.createFrame(44); outStream.writeWordBigEndianA(random(1,1000)); // objectType outStream.writeWord(1); // amount outStream.writeByte(0); // x(4 MSB) y(LSB) coords } } */ // send all items combined to larger clusters for(int x = 0; x < 11; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < 11; y++) { outStream.createFrame(60); outStream.writeWord(0); // placeholder for size of this packet. int ofs = outStream.currentOffset; outStream.writeByte(y*8); // baseY outStream.writeByteC(x*8); // baseX // here come the actual packets for(int kx = 0; kx < 8; kx++) { for(int ky = 0; ky < 8; ky++) { outStream.writeByte(44); // formerly createFrame, but its just a plain byte in this encapsulated packet outStream.writeWordBigEndianA(random(1000)); // objectType outStream.writeWord(1); // amount outStream.writeByte(kx*16+ky); // x(4 MSB) y(LSB) coords } } outStream.writeFrameSizeWord(outStream.currentOffset - ofs); } } } public int packetSize = 0, packetType = 0; public int timeOutCounter = 0; public boolean interpreteIncommingPackets() { try { int avail = in.available(); if(avail == 0) return false; // Important note: doesn't work yet because we don't know the lengths of any possible // incoming packets so we can't parse them and might miss the one or other ending up // with screwing the encryption if(packetType == -1) { packetType = in.read() & 0xff; if(inStreamDecryption != null) packetType = packetType - inStreamDecryption.getNextKey() & 0xff; avail--; packetSize = avail; } fillInStream(packetSize); timeOutCounter = 0; packetType = -1; } catch(java.lang.Exception __ex) { System.out.println("BlakeScape Server: Exception!"); __ex.printStackTrace(); clientConnected = false; } return true; } } // class ClientHandler end }